Australian Climbing Association (NSW) - ACANSW
The objectives of the ACANSW are to work with climbers, and land managers at all levels to achieve fair access and look after the cliff environment.
The two main aspects are:
Dealing with the laws and regulations by which access to public land is granted and denied. Other laws such as the Civil Liability Act also impact on the willingness of land managers to permit inherently dangerous activities on the land under their jurisdiction. An access society must engage at a governmental level to prepare submissions, participate in stakeholder groups and where necessary challenge in the court of law the right for fair access.
With rights come responsibilities. Climbers must care for the environment, respect Aboriginal and cultural heritage and be respectful of other user groups. Practicing Leave No Trace principles when in a natural environment will help climbing remain sustainable as more people head outdoors. Educating climbers to embrace and protect nature rather than to try and conform it to gym-like familiarity is essential.
Blue Mountains Conservation + Culture Forum – 1st May 2021
Australian Climbing Association (NSW) will hold their first forum at the Wentworth Falls School of Arts, Saturday 1st May 2021, an evening event.
Are you concerned about climbing access issues and do you want to know how positive change can give climbing a sustainable future?
Throughout the evening you will hear from leaders in the climbing community, ecology experts as well as land managers and Traditional Owners. Speakers will include Chris Tobin (Darug), Wayne Brennan (Dept of Environment), Carol Probets (BM Birding), Gavin Phillips (Royal Botanic Gardens) as well as climbers Hugh Ward, Warwick Baird, Neil Monteith and Ian Brown.
SRC/ACANSW Aboriginal Cultural History Day - 24th October 2020
A group of 7 climbers met with Evan Yanna Muru at Faulconbridge for a Dreamtime tour. Evan, whose father was an Indigenous ranger in the Blueys and later Kosciusko NP, now runs his own tours. It was a wet day, but this did not detract from the experience. We gained some early understanding of levels of knowledge; Dreamtime stories; the importance of totems, ritual; the stages, or moons of existence; spirit doctors; symbolism in art, and some appreciation for intangible cultural elements.
Vanessa Wills
SRC Lindfield Rocks Clean and Climb Day - 18th August 2019
Sixteen keen bods turned up for the first clean and climb day. The first 90 minutes were spent hunting sparse rubbish. We got about 3 big bags of rubbish, a pallet, 10kg of tiles, and a few syringes. This was run as a satellite Clean Up Australia event which gave us gloves, bags, a first aid kit, and helped with the council picking up our pile’o’crap at the end.
Then we broke out the climbing shoes and top roped or bouldered our way to glory till pizza arrived at 1pm.
Many thanks to all the SRC members that helped to keep our crag clean.
Michael Law