This month Paul took us to Bonnet Bay, a small crag with a 20 second (yes, second) walk in (ok it was uphill but still!). Bonnet Bay offers a great range of shorter sport climbs and can cater to most climbers with sport grades from 15-27. The crag is family friendly with a nice flat areas at the base ideal for picnic rugs and keeping the kids entertained, most climbs can be accessed from the top in case you need to rap in to clean.
The trip drew a good crowd and we had ropes up along a good selection of the cliff line. The Chimney (15 with a tough crux), The Jungle book (15), Mowgli (18), Burning Shells (17) and Kim (21) were especially popular and a few took on the challenges of Between the Lines (23) and Lean Beef (24). Heavy Haulage will have to wait until next time!
