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Click these links to join, renew, or update online, you must be over 18 years old.

Membership Benefits


The Sydney Rockclimbing Club (SRC) has a rich history of supporting rock climbers and the climbing community in NSW since 1951.


Membership of the Rockies is $36 and you get the following benefits:


  • Club climbing trips to crags in Sydney, Blue Mountains and further afield.

  • Discounts on climbing gear, climbing courses and climbing gym entry (see below for the full list).

  • Social gym climbing nights at many climbing gyms.

  • Rebolting: The club funds and carries out climb re-bolting and is actively rebolting on our crags.

  • Access resolution: As a member of the SRC you are also a full member of the Australian Climbing Association (NSW) - ACANSW, supporting access for climbers across the state and Australia-wide. Your membership fees and hard work help negotiate growing access issues with land managers, traditional owners, policy makers and government.

  • Latest guidebooks at reduced prices.

  • The 'THRUTCH' climbing magazine with trip reports, equipment reviews and the latest local climbing insights.

  • Access to the SRC Club library to borrow historical and new release climbing books, guides and DVDs.

  • Opportunities to find likeminded climbing partners and experience a wide variety of climbing crags with experienced trip leaders

  • Women only climbing trips with experienced female guides and trip leaders

  • Gain valuable climbing tips and tricks from experienced club members and trip leaders


NOTE: The Rockies do not provide any climbing instruction and you need to have 'lead climbing' experience having completed a lead climbing course, from an indoor climbing gym or outdoor guiding company.

Look at our skills development advice and ideally undertake an outdoor climbing course with a qualified instructor before coming on club trips.


Climbers joining a club trip, please review our Trip Participant GuidelinesFor club advice on planning and risk management of trips, view our Trip Leader Guide and example Risk Management Plan.


Current Discounts





Join or renew online, you must be over 18 years old.

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